These terms and conditions have been drawn up and agreed by the Management of Al Rushd Madrasah. The purpose of these terms and conditions is to ensure that a positive learning atmosphere exists at all times so each member of the Madrasah is truly valued and able to develop their skills and achieve their full potential. These terms and conditions are not negotiable and the Madrasah will uphold these at all times. The most beneficial and pleasant learning environment is one where there is mutual respect. This is achieved through good manners and courtesy. We hope that staff, parents and guardians will work together to ensure that every student understands these terms and conditions and why they are necessary.


The fees are used to cover the running costs and development of Al Rushd Madrasah. It may be necessary to increase fees from time to time and, where practicable, notice will be given. The fee structure is periodically reviewed. 

  1. Parents registering their children agree that they are able to fulfil their fees obligations
  2. After registration all payment(s) must be made within the agreed dates. Al Rushd Madrasah reserves the right to cancel a child’s registration where correct fees have not been paid on time
  3. Registration fees must be paid by cash or bank transfer at the time of admission with the submission of the application form
  4. Madrasah fees should be paid at the start of the month via bank transfer. Please see ‘Fees’ page for account details                                                                                             
  5. Registration and monthly fees are non-refundable
  6. If a child causes damage to Madrasah or school property, the parent/carer must bear the cost of any repairs or replacement


Al Rushd Madrasah expects students to behave in an exemplary manner at all times. 

  1. Students must respect each other and all members of staff and should behave appropriately at all times
  2. Students must learn their homework before coming to the Madrasah. Essentially, students should revise Madrasah work daily for one hour
  3. Students must bring their own stationary to class, to include a pen, pencil, rubber, sharpener, ruler and preferably colours as well
  4. Parents should encourage their children to maintain high standards of discipline and behaviour at Madrasah and also whilst travelling to and from Madrasah


At Al Rushd Academy, we believe that the correct Islamic attire must be worn during class whether that class is held on-site or online. The uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the Islamic ethos of Al Rushd Madrasah and setting an appropriate tone. We believe that enforcing uniform supports effective teaching and learning.

  1. Boys must wear a white cap, white jubba and white trousers
  2. Girls must wear a black jilbab and black scarf
  3. All books must be kept in good condition and students must have the necessary stationery
  4. The consumption of sweets or chewing gum and the use of mobile phones are STRICTLY not permitted during Madrasah time


The maintenance of good discipline is of paramount importance for the growth, welfare and development of students. At Al Rushd Academy, we aspire to instil good discipline amongst our students through a focus on Islamic Akhlaaq and Adaab. We believe that students should be given clear expectations, effective pastoral support and opportunities to build good social relationships. All students must observe the discipline of Al Rushd Madrasah. Improper conduct, bad behaviour or misuse of Madrasah equipment will not be tolerated and will result in the following:

  1. A verbal warning
  2. A written warning
  3. Suspension

Any gross misconduct will lead to immediate suspension and can lead to expulsion.


Al Rushd Madrasah sincerely believes that all students benefit from the education we provide, and therefore, we monitor levels of attendance very closely. We expect all students to attend every day unless they are too ill to do so or other exceptional circumstances prevent attendance. These are normally agreed in advance with the Madrasah. We will take appropriate action to ensure that all students achieve the maximum possible attendance and that any barriers, which may impede full attendance, are addressed as quickly as possible. Al Rushd Madrasah recognises the importance of class attendance and is fully aware of the correlation between high levels of attendance and attainment.

  1. A note or phone call is required for any absence.
  2. Written notification must be provided and approved in advance of any pre-arranged absence (e.g. holidays)
  3. Written notification is required for any pupil wishing to be excused from lessons early
  4. Written notification is required for any pupil that wishes to leave Madrasah

Other Parental Responsibilities

  1. Parents must ensure that their children are brought and collected on time
  2. Parents must ensure that cleanliness is maintained (i.e. uniform, nails, socks etc.)
  3. Parents must check their children’s homework and homework diaries every evening to ensure that they are keeping up with lessons
  4. Parents are advised to attend all parents’ evenings and any meetings arranged by the Madrasah
  5. Parents must not advise children contrary to the Islamic teachings of the Madrasah as this will confuse the child and hinder their progress

All queries and complaints must be addressed to the Head Teacher, available from Mondays to Fridays between 17:00 – 18:30. Please be advised, we will NOT tolerate abusive, threatening and violent conduct towards our staff by any parents. All policies including new enrolments and admissions are put in place by the management and should be adhered to.