Aims of the Alimah Course
Learning religious knowledge is an extremely important and virtuous aspect of our Deen. Seeking knowledge grounds us firmly in our faith and protects us from Fitnah’s. Learning sacred knowledge connects us back to our roots and reminds us of our purpose of why we were sent into this world.
And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. (Quran 51:56) We were sent to this Dunya to worship Allah SWT and Allah SWT alone. We were sent to live a life that is pleasing to Allah SWT, we were sent exert effort for our Akhira. In order to worship Allah SWT to the best of our ability, we need knowledge. We need to learn and understand how it is that Allah SWT wants us to worship Him, we need to learn and understand the different prerequisites that are necessary for our Ibadah. We need to spend some time investing in our home in the hereafter. We can do this by engaging in learning the Deen, applying it to our lives and spreading it to others. At Al-Rushd we are passionate about spreading the knowledge of Deen. Our 6 year Alamiyah course offers a deep dive into the Tafsir of Quran, understanding of Hadith and Fiqh. We place a heavy emphasis on Tarbiyah and we aim to help individuals develop a strong relationship with Allah SWT.
What makes Al-Rushd different from other online/in person Alimah programmes:
Alhamdulillah, there is no shortage of Islamic education institutes doing great work of the Deen. Al-Rushd inspires to build on the success of current Alimah programs and develop them to benefit the Ummah even more. Al-Rushd places a tremendous amount of emphasis on Sohbat and Tarbiyah. Currently, in person and online Aliamiyah programmes are not able to offer one to one with their students to help with their Tarbiyah. Here at Al-Rushd, we endeavours to build a strong rapport with our students and provide them access with their teachers. The blessing of having a teacher who guides us on the path of knowledge is second to none. It is important to maintain a strong relationship with our teachers and learn from their wisdom and experiences. At Al-Rushd we will make a conscious effort to connect our teachers with our students on a weekly basis on an individual level so students get the opportunity to ask questions and discuss things that are important to them. Students will be able to get Nasheeat and words of wisdom that are tailored to them. Additionally, the Al-Rushd Alamiya programme is accredited and recognised. This gives you the peace of mind that our teachers are fully qualified and professional. Additionally, should you choose to teach further, your Alamiyah Qualification will In Sha Allah be recognised. At Al-Rushd we aim to create a holistic learning environment and find it of extreme importance to interact with our peers. Thus, every morning students will attend form class in which they can interact with their peers, ask questions and soak up the Sohbat of their class mates and teachers. At Al-Rushd, we feel strongly about the importance of Sohbat and will provide multiple opportunities for students and teachers to interact and get to know one another.
Seeking Islamic knowledge is no ordinary feat. Rather, it is a path in which individuals exert effort, day after day, year after year to understamd the Deen and draw closer to Allah SWT. It is only by Allah SWT giving us Towfique that we consider to do an Aliamiyah course. For:
Mu’awiyah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said, “When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.” Riyad as-Salihin 1376
Despite all of our shortcomings, transgressions and sins, Allah SWT has chosen us to study His Deen, the Deen He chose to reveal to His Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم .
Learning the Deen brings a different sweetness into one’s life and there are many AHadith that report the virtues of seeking knowledge:
Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make him traverse a path to Paradise. Verily, the angels lower their wings in pleasure for the seeker of knowledge.
The inhabitants of the heavens and earth, even the fish in the depths of the water, seek forgiveness for the scholar. The virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like the superiority of the moon over the stars. Verily, the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets. The Prophets do not leave behind gold or silver coins, but rather they only leave behind knowledge. Whoever takes it has taken hold of an abundant fortune.” Source:
Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2682 Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his brother. Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. People do not gather in the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it together, but that tranquility will descend upon them, mercy will cover them, angels will surround them, and Allah will mention them to those near Him. Whoever is slow to good deeds will not be hastened by his lineage.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2699
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Is not the world cursed and everything in it? Except for the remembrance of Allah and what facilitates it, the scholar or the student.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2322
Students will receive links to all classes in a timetable. Students will join classes via.
Importance of good company
Being in the presence of good company is extremely important. Good company reminds us of Allah SWT and inspires us to do better. Good company also fulfils our social needs of being liked and respected. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم emphasised the importance of good company:
Abu Musa reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the parable of good company and a bad company is only that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith. The seller of musk will give you some perfume, you will buy some, or you will notice a good smell. As for the blacksmith, he will burn your clothes or you will notice a bad smell.Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5534, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2628
Good company has a huge impact on our Deen and Nauzubillah- bad company can divert us and distract us from practicing the Deen. It comes in the Quran:
َ م ْ و َ ي َ َ ض و ع َ ي ٱ ِ م ال َّ لظ ى َ ل َ ع ِه ْ ي َ د َ ي ول ق َ ي ن ِ َ ت ْ ي َ ل ى ـ َ ي ٱ ت ْ ذ َ خ ت َ ع َ وِل م ٱ س لر ۭ ً يل ِ ب َ س ٢٧ And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, “Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way. (Quran 25:27)
ى ن َ َ ل ْ ي َ و ى ـ َ ي ن ِ َ ت ْ ي َ ل ْ م َ ل ْ ِخذ ت َ أ ا ً ن َ ل ف ۭ ً ِيل ل َ خ ٢٨ Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend. (Quran 25:28)
ْ د َ ق َّ ل ن ِ َّ ل ض َ َ أ ن َ ع ٱ ر ْ ك ِّ لذ َ د ْ ع َ ب ْ ِ ذ إ ِ ن َ ء ٓ ا َ ج ۗ َ ان َ ك َ و ٱ ىن ـ َ ط ْ ي لش ىن ـ نسَ ِ ْ ِْل ل ۭ ً وّل ذ َ خ ٢٩ He led me away from the remembrance after it had come to me. And ever is Satan, to man, a deserter.” (Quran 25:29)
Thus it is of the utmost importance we seek out good company. We should seek out the company of those individuals who when we are with them, our heart is at rest. Conducting an Alimahiya course online means that we have a spiritual bond that is based online. To help foster life long relationships with your fellow classmates, we will be creating Whatsapp groups in which batch mates can get to know one another. We will also hold in person gatherings for sisters to come together and meet one another. All the teachers at Al-Rushd will also make regular contact with students to develop a strong teacher-student relationship.
Students will begin their study of the Holy Quran with Surah Fathia and will cover up till Surah Nisa in the first year. Students will study each Ayah in detail, covering the context of Revelation as well as the grammar of the verses. Students will look at each word and understand it’s meaning and significance. Students will explore themes and messages found in each Surah. Students will also look at the overall message and teachings of the Surah. Students will be encouraged to apply the lessons learned in class to their day-to-day life. At the end of each lesson, students will be asked to reflect on what they have learnt during class.
Students will be expected to come in Wudu to class. Students are expected to review the previous lessons before they come to class. Students are expected to listen attentively with
Islamic Jurisprudence or Fiqh is an extremely important subject for every student of Deen to engage in. Students will begin their journey of Islamic Jurisprudence by studying a classical Hanafi Text: ‘Ascent to Felicity.’ ‘Ascent to Felicity’ is an English Classical Text that discusses a range of Masaials for everyday life. Students will receive an introduction into Tahara, Salah, Sawm, Zakah & Hajj. Students will explore different Masails and will begin to understand the reasoning and proofs for different actions prescribed in the Shariah. It is hoped that during these classes, students will be able to perfect their worship and understand the rights of each act of worship.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Students will be introduced to the science of Hadith and will understand what Hadith are. Students will understand the different types of Hadith that have been classified. Students will be introduced to the concept of Ilm ul Rijal- the Knowledge of Men. Students will begin their study of Hadith with a renowned Hadith compilation: ‘Provision for the Seekers by Sheikh Ashiq Ilahi Bulandshahri’. ‘Provision for the Seekers’ is divided into three parts and it contains 327 Hadith: ‘Comprehensive sayings, Springs of Wisdom & Sound Admonition, ‘Some Unseen Events which the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم Prophesied & Which Occurred After His Demise’, and ‘Stories & Accounts’.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Students will begin their journey of understanding the Arabic Language by studying a subscience of the language called Sarf. Sarf is a subject through which we learn root meaning of word as well as the meanings and connotations that can be derived. By gaining the tool of understanding the meaning of each word, students will be able to access a wide range of Arabic texts. Beginning to learn the Arabic language can be daunting, especially if we have had a break from studying. In Sha Allah we will take it step by step to ensure that your foundations are strong. We will be following the Book: ‘Arabic Morphology (Sarf) for Beginners Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam’
Expectations for Sarf Class:
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes- we all make mistakes while leaning!
Nahw is another sub science of the Arabic language and it means syntax. Within Nahw, we begin to understand the sentence structure rules applied in Arabic. Students will learn rules on how to compose nouns, verbs and letters together. Nahw will help students understand how to form proper speech and what affect words have on each other in a sentence. In ShaAllah we will take it step by step to ensure that your foundations are strong. We will be following the Book: ‘Arabic Grammar for Beginners: (Nahw – Syntax) – Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam.’ Students will be fully supported during classes to ensure that their foundations are strong.
Expectations for Nahw Class:
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes- we all make mistakes while leaning!
Students will begin to learn about the blessed life of our Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . Through the use of the online content, reading materials and discussions, students will In Sha Allah get to know Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in a very intimate manner and will understand what it means to be an Ummati of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . We will primarily follow the text: ‘The Sealed Nectar’ and will immerse our selvs into all things Seerah. We will look at Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم early life, his Nabuwat as well as Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم farewell. Students will also learn about Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم character, manner and his physical appearance.
Expectations for Seerah Class:
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Tazkiya & Tarbiyah:
Once a week, students will have Tazkiya & Tarbiyah sessions to work on our character and Nafs. Every week, students will receive a Halaqa on a different topic with the aims of purifying our heart and mind from a range of spiritual diseases. Students will also be taught different etiquettes they should adorn, whether in the role of a student, mother, daughter, wife, sister or friend. We will learn the emotional and spiritual skills needed to enage in this world and it’s people. We will learn the importance of fulfilling the rights of Huqooq Allah and Huqooq al Ibaad. Together we will strive to achieve a Qalb e Saleem and Nafs ul Mutmainnah. Our weekly gatherings will be a chance to reflect and introspect on our the events that take place in our life and how we should react.
Expectations for Tazkiya & Tarbiyah Class:
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus.
Book List for Year One:
It is not mandatory to buy the books. However, students are highly recommended to buy the books for Arabic grammer. There are online versions of books that students can make use of. Resources and PowerPoints will be shared to aid learning.
No books are required for Tafsir classes.
Ascent to Felicity:
Provision of the Seeker:
Arabic Morphology (Sarf) for Beginners:
Arabic Grammar for Beginners: (Nahw – Syntax):
The Sealed Nectar:
Tazkiya & Tarbiyah
No books are required for Tazkiya & Tarbiyah Sessions.
Year 1 Timetable:
8:45-9:00 |
9:00-9:50 |
10:00-10:50 |
11:00-11:50 |
Monday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Fiqh |
Nahw |
Tuesday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Fiqh |
Sarf |
Wednesday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Hadith |
Nahw |
Thursday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Hadith |
Sarf |
Seerah |
Friday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tazkiya & Tarbiyah |
One on one time with teachers |
One on one time with teachers |
Year 2 Alimah:
Students will continue their study of the Holy Quran and will start Surah Maidah and will cover up till Surah Yunus in the second year. Students will study each Ayah in detail, covering the context of Revelation as well as the grammar of the verses. Students will look at each word and understand it’s meaning and significance. Students will explore themes and messages found in each Surah. Students will also look at the overall message and teachings of the Surah. Students will be encouraged to apply the lessons learned in class to their day-to-day life. At the end of each lesson, students will be asked to reflect on what they have learnt during class.
Expectations for Tafsir Class:
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Students will be expected to come in Wudu to class. Students are expected to review the previous lessons before they come to class. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus.
Expectations for Fiqh Class:
Students will continue their journey of Islamic Jurisprudence by studying a classical Text: ‘Mukhtasar al Quduri.’ ‘Mukhtasar al Quduri’ is one of the most influential treaties that has been written in Islamic History. It is a great guide into Fiqh for Scholar’s and Students alike. Students will delve into Masail surrounding Tahara, Salah, Sawm, Zakah & Hajj. Students will explore different Masails and will begin to understand the reasoning and proofs for different actions prescribed in the Shariah. It is hoped that during these classes, students will be able to perfect their worship and understand the rights of each act of worship.
In year two, students will study Riyas as Salihin- The Gardens of the Righteous. Riyad as Salihin is a compilation of Hadith by Imam Nawavi RA. There are 1896 Hadith in this Book. Students will study a selection of Hadith from all 19 Chapters which are the following: ‘The Book of Miscellany, ‘The Book of Good Manners’, ‘The Book about the Etiquette of eating’, ‘The Book of Dress’, ‘The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying and Sitting-ect, ‘The Book of Greetings, ‘The Book of Visiting the Sick’, The Book of Etiquette of Travelling, ‘The Book of Virtues’, ‘The Book of It’ikaf’, ‘The Book of Hajj’, ‘The Book of Jihad’, ‘The Book of Knowledge’, ‘The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah’, ‘The Book of Supplication Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم’ , The Book of the Remembrance of Allah’, ‘The
Book of Supplications’, ‘The Book of the Prohibited Actions’, ‘The Book of Miscellanous ahadith of Significant Values & ‘The Book of Forgiveness’.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Students will continue their journey of understanding Sarf by studying the Book: ‘Tashee ul Sarf’. Students will consolidate and develop their understanding of Sarf and introduce new concepts. It is hoped that in year 2, students are able to recognise root words in the Quran and Hadith. Students will also be introduced to a concept called ‘Taleelat’. Taleelat is a process by which words change letters and meanings due to a whole host of rules. Students will be fully supported to ensure they are confident with the content learnt at Year 1 and to develop their grasp on the Arabic language.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes- we all make mistakes while leaning!
Students will continue their journey of understanding Nahw by studying the Book: ‘Hidayatun Nahw’. Hidayatn Nahw is a textbook taught in all Madrasas and it is regarded to be a deep dive into the Arabic language. Hidayatun Nahw is broken down into three sections- Ism, Fel & Harf. Students will work their way through these three sections and will begin to understand in detail the different components and rules that apply to Ism’s, Fel’s and Harf. Through the use of examples from the Arabic text and examples from Quran and Hadith, it is hoped that students feel more comfortable in their understanding of Arabic language and are able to begin to understand different sentence structures.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes- we all make mistakes while leaning!
Students will continue to learn about the blessed life of our Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . Through the use of the online content, reading materials and discussions, students will In Sha Allah get to know Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in a very intimate manner and will understand what it means to be an Ummati of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . We will primarily follow the text: ‘The Sealed Nectar’ and will immerse our selvs into all things Seerah. We will look at Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم early life, his Nabuwat as well as Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم farewell. Students will also learn about Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم character, manner and his physical appearance.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus. Students are expected to make notes and review lessons often.
Once a week, students will have Tazkiya & Tarbiyah sessions to work on our character and Nafs. Every week, students will receive a Halaqa on a different topic with the aims of purifying our heart and mind from a range of spiritual diseases. Students will also be taught different etiquettes they should adorn, whether in the role of a student, mother, daughter, wife, sister or friend. We will learn the emotional and spiritual skills needed to enage in this world and it’s people. We will learn the importance of fulfilling the rights of Huqooq Allah and Huqooq al Ibaad. Together we will strive to achieve a Qalb e Saleem and Nafs ul Mutmainnah. Our weekly gatherings will be a chance to reflect and introspect on our the events that take place in our life and how we should react.
It is recommended that students come to class with Wudu. Students are expected to listen attentively with focus.
It is not mandatory to buy the books. However, students are highly recommended to buy the books for Arabic grammer. There are online versions of books that students can make use of. Resources and PowerPoints will be shared to aid learning.
No books are required for Tafsir classes.
Quduri Shareef:
Riyaad as Saliheen:
Tasheel us Sarf:
Hidayatun Nahw:
The Sealed Nectar:
No books are required for Tazkiya & Tarbiyah Sessions.
8:45-9:00 |
9:00-9:50 |
10:00-10:50 |
11:00-11:50 |
Monday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Fiqh |
Nahw |
Tuesday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Fiqh |
Sarf |
Wednesday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tafsir |
Hadith |
Nahw |
Thursday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Hadith |
Sarf |
Seerah |
Friday |
Form/RegistrationTime |
Tazkiya & Tarbiyah |
One on one time with teachers |
One on one time with teachers |
1. Rectify my intention before each lesson
2. Try my best in each lesson
3. Be kind and helpful to my fellow classmates
4. Abide by classroom rules
5. Arrive to each lesson on time
6. Respect the right of others to learn without disruption
7. Treat others as I would have them treat me
8. Spend time reviewing what I have learnt
9. Carry out homework and assignments to the best of my ability
10. Keep my notes clean and organised
As a teacher I will:
1. Rectify my intention before each lesson
2. Respect each student
3. Make efficient use of learning time
4. Provide a safe and comfortable environment that is conductive to learning
5. Help each student grow to her fullest potential
6. Provide instruction in a way that will motivate and encourage my students
7. Demonstrate professional behaviour and a positive attitude
8. Provide frequent reports on student’s progress
9. Build on the unique strengths of each student and celebrate their increments of
10. Provide advice and counsel to my students so that they know I care and understand
their feelings