At Al Rushd Madrasah, students are assessed by the teacher every day. In addition, two formal examinations take place each year. These are generally set for students just before the mid-term break and end of the term for appropriate subjects.
Our Madrasah utilises summative assessment which is comprehensive in nature and is used to check the level of learning at the end of a programme. This mode of assessment allows teachers to determine the level of attainment reached by a student. If upon completion of a course students will have the knowledge to pass a test, taking the test would be summative in nature since it is based on the cumulative learning experience. Thus, these assessments are useful in ensuring that students have met the goals and objectives of the programme. It is an assessment on completion of a module or a programme, which says whether or not the student has passed, and a grade is given.
 Please note if a student cannot attend an exam the Madrasah must be informed in writing in advance and the Madrasah will assess the case and decide whether the child qualifies for a deferral. If the reason for absence from an exam is accepted by the Madrasah the student will be allowed to sit a deferred exam. If the reason for absence is deemed unacceptable and the student fails to attend the exam, the student will be given a zero for that class. It is a requisite for students to pass their exams in order to progress to the next year. Students who fail their exam will be offered the chance to re-sit, however, their marks will be capped at 40%.